Aiken County Board of Education Meeting on April 23, 2019 at the District Office at 7:00 p.m.
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Submitted by vicky_durden on Thu, 04/18/2019 - 8:46am
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 -
7:00pm to 10:00pm
OFFICIAL AGENDA ____________REGULAR SESSION _7:00 P.M.________APRIL 23, 2019
Location: 1000 Brookhaven Drive Aiken, SC
DEVOTIONAL & PLEDGE: Mrs. Phyllis Gamble
Regular Meeting – March 26, 2019
- Public Participation
No Requests This Meeting
- Office of Board Chairman
- House Resolution
A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: The following items are for information only and do not require Board action.
1. Legislative Update (Mrs. English)
2. Construction Status Reports for the North Augusta High School 2B Addition Project (Dr. Foster)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
3. Construction Status Reports for the Aiken High School Phase 2B Addition Project (Dr. Foster)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, LS3P Associates LTD., and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
4. Construction Status Reports for the Ridge Spring-Monetta Middle/High Phase 2 Addition Project (Dr. Foster)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, LS3P Associates LTD., and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
5. Construction Status Reports for the Graniteville Elementary Renovations &
Additions Project (Dr. Foster)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, Goodwyn Mills and Cawood (GMS),
and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
6. Facilities Construction Department Quarterly Change Order Notification (Dr.
Policy FGG sets the limit of approval for construction change orders by the
Superintendent or designee up to $15,000.00. The policy requires a summary of such
change orders to be presented to the Board at least once a quarter for notification.
7. Financial Report, as of January 31, 2019 (Mr. Traxler)
The financial reports of January 31, 2019 is submitted in the approved format.
8. Recruitment and Retention Committee, Phase III (Mrs. Hart)
The Recruitment and Retention Committee concluded with a specific set of recommended action steps and the need for a more detailed analysis of each. To facilitate this process, three (3) working committees were established, one of which focuses on enhancing retention efforts.
B. CONSENT ITEMS: The following items will be voted on as a group. Individual items may be discussed prior to a vote being taken.
1. Ratification of Expulsions (Dr. Alford)
The School Board, according to the Code of Laws for South Carolina Section 59-63-240, is authorized to expel students from school. Although the Board may receive recommendations for expulsion from others, it solely is empowered to take the final expulsion action.
2. GMP #1 for Aiken High School Phase 3 James Taylor Gymnasium Renovation
Project and Design Development, Construction Document Phases from LS3P (Dr. Foster)
H. G. Reynolds Company, Inc. received bids for CM @ Risk for Aiken High Phase 3 Construction. The original construction budget approved by the board on January 22, 2019 schematic design budget was $6,644,076.00. The demolition package GMP #1 for the Phase 3 James Taylor Gymnasium Renovation Project is $740,287.00. The total budget needed is $8,715,655.00 which includes an owner project contingency of $664,408.00. The DD and CD phases are combined in order to utilize this summer to start renovations and finish work to avoid delays.
3. Change Order Number 3 for the Graniteville Elementary Addition Project (Dr.
Change Order Number 3 for the Graniteville Elementary Addition from RW Allen Construction, LLC is presented for your review and approval. SCDOT increased the Scope
of Work after bids were taken to include a complete survey; improvements to Minor Road;
complete overlay of Ascauga Lake Road; and the road widening was increased on
Ascauga Lake Road. The total amount needed is $182,581.00 and the owner project
contingency has adequate funds to cover this amount.
4. 2019 Installation of Flooring @ A.L. Corbett Middle/Busbee Elementary, Aiken
Elementary, Warrenville Elementary and Kennedy Middle (Dr. Foster)
Bids were received on March 21, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. and publicly opened for the
2019 Installation of Flooring @ A.L. Corbett Middle/Busbee Elementary, Aiken
Elementary, Warrenville Elementary and Kennedy Middle. There were 4 bidders for this
project with the lowest responsible and responsive bidders being Merit Flooring, Augusta,
GA and Gleaton Floor Covering, Inc. of Sumter, SC: Base Bid A ($282,982.00) for A.L.
Corbett Middle/Busbee Elementary; Base Bid B ($162,964.00) for Aiken Elementary; Base
Bid C ($242,000.00) for Warrenville Elementary and Base Bid D ($287,000.00) for Kennedy
Middle. The Five-Year Facility Improvement Plan for 2019-2020 has the funds needed to
complete these project. Total contract amount is $974,946.00
5. 2019 Wagener-Salley High Football Field Renovations (Dr. Foster)
Bids were received on March 27, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. and publicly opened for the
2019 Wagener-Salley High Football Field Renovations. There was 1 bidder for this project
with the lowest responsible and responsive bidders being Windham Services of Pelion,
SC. Base Bid A ($157,635.00) for Wagener-Salley High Football Field Renovation. The
scope of work includes new sod, and irrigation system and drainage system. The Athletic
Funds Account for 2019-2020 has the funds needed to complete these projects. Total
contract amount is $157,635.00.
6. Funding Flexibility for the Quarter Ending June 30, 2019 (Mr. Traxler)
Under provisos 1.28, 1.31 and 1A.14 for Fiscal Year 2018-2019, all school districts and special schools of this State may transfer and expend funds “to ensure the
delivery of academic and arts instruction to student” with certain limitations. Among the
requirements, each district’s board and superintendent must certify the specific flexibility
actions taken. The certification must be in writing, signed by the board chairman and
superintendent, and delivered electronically to the State Superintendent of Education.
An electronic copy must be sent to the SC Department of Education which will
subsequently forward the information to the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee,
the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, the Chairman of the House Ways and
Means Committee, and the Chairman of the House Education and Public Works
Committee. The certification must be posted on the district’s website.
7. Submission of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant
Application by A.L. Corbett Middle School – FY20 (Mrs. Glover)
A.L. Corbett Middle School would like to submit an applications to the SC State
Department of Education for the 21st Century Community Learning centers (CCLC) Grant in
the amount of $200,000.00 which is renewable for up to four years. This grant will assist in
providing opportunities for academic enrichment, youth development and meaningful family
engagement for students and their families. If awarded, grant funds will be used to support
an extended day, Saturday, and summer program that will serve fifty 6th – 8th grade
scholars and their families within Aiken County Public Schools. The ALCMS L.I.O.N.S.
program functions as an intensive academic intervention while motivating scholars and
sparking their interest in 21st Century skills. Research has proven that S.T.E.A.M.
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) improves lifelong learning. The program
will incorporate literacy, mathematics, and enhance student participation with components
that are kinesthetic, tactile, high interest, rigorous, and thought provoking. It will also
include an arts component to include dance and drama.
If awarded, grant funds will be used to fund salaries of staff for the afterschool,
Saturday, and four-week summer programs, field trips, transportation, and instructional
program equipment and materials.
8. Submission of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant
Application by Wagener-Salley High School – FY20 (Mrs. Glover)
Wagener-Salley High School would like to submit an application to the SC State
Department of Education for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant in
the amount of $200,000.00 which is renewable for up to four years. This grant will assist in
providing opportunities for academic enrichment, youth development and meaningful family
engagement for both current and incoming students.
If awarded, grant funds will be used to fund salaries of staff for the afterschool and summer programs, field trips, transportation, and instructional program equipment
and materials. The various programs supported by the grant will benefit all students,
including incoming ninth graders, as well as their families.
9. Submission of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant
Application by Ridge Spring-Monetta Middle School – FY20 (Mrs. Glover)
Ridge Spring-Monetta Middle School would like to submit an application to the SC State Department of Education for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers
(CCLC) Grant in the amount of $200,000.00 which is renewable for up to four years. This
grant will assist in providing opportunities for academic enrichment, youth development and
meaningful family engagement for students and their families. If awarded, grant funds will be
used to support programs that will provide students in grades 6-8 with support to improve
academic achievement and engagement in core subjects, increase interest in science and
mathematics, and improve health and wellness. The grant will also supports programs to
increase families’ science and informational text literacy. The program plan includes
integrated reading; tutoring by certified and non-certified personnel; hands-on, project-based
science/technology enrichment (STEM); and college and career readiness and
recreation/fitness activities designed to help meet the goals of the Profile of the South
Carolina Graduate. Activities and tasks will align with grade-level state and national
If awarded, grant funds will be used to fund salaries, field trips, transportation, and instructional program equipment and materials. The program will operate 15 hours
each week for 30 weeks during the regular school year. A four week program will also run
during the summer for four days each week, four hours each day.
10. Submission of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant
Application by Ridge Spring-Monetta High School – FY20 (Mrs. Glover)
Ridge Spring-Monetta High School would like to submit an application to the SC
State Department of Education for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)
Grant in the amount of $200,000.00 which is renewable for up to four years. This grant will
assist in providing opportunities for academic enrichment, youth development and
meaningful family engagement for both current and incoming students.
If awarded, grant funds will be used to fund salaries for teachers and staff for the
afterschool program, Saturday school, and/or summer programs, field trips, transportation,
parent nights, and instructional program equipment and materials. The various programs
supported by the grant will benefit all students with a focus on students who are at risk of
failure or retention, as well as incoming ninth graders, to support on time graduation and
college and career readiness.
11. Submission of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant
Application by Midland Valley High School – FY20 (Mrs. Glover)
Midland Valley High School would like to submit an application to the SC State
Department of Education for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant in
the amount of $200,000.00 which is renewable for up to four years. This grant will assist in
providing opportunities for academic enrichment, youth development and meaningful family
engagement for both current and incoming students.
If awarded, grant funds will be used to fund salaries for teachers and tutors for an afterschool program, summer program teachers, field trips, transportation and
instructional program equipment and materials. The various programs supported by the
grant will benefit all students, with a focus on incoming ninth graders. The wide-range of
implementation will target students from all spectrums and will be influential to their growth
and development.
12. Budget Adjustment #3; Fund #1 (FY19) (Mr. Traxler)
Periodically during the fiscal year, Business Services submits adjustments to the
approved budget as may be required in the conduct of operations.
1. Personnel Appointments (Mrs. Hart)
The certified and classified personnel presented have been screened by the Human Resources Department, and interviewed, and/or approved by the Principal or supervisor for each location.
2. Out-of-District Transfer Requests (Mr. Laurence)
Board Policy JFABC allows the Aiken County Board of Education to arrange with the other school districts for the interchange of students. The policy stipulates that when students transfer out of the District, ‘the School District of Aiken County shall assume no responsibility for tuition to the receiving district.”
3. Changes to Policy IKA Grading/Assessment Systems (Mr. Laurence)
The District’s present policy no longer conforms to the modified South Carolina Uniform Grading Policy nor does it sufficiently address honor graduates, honors and advanced courses, and credit and content recovery.
4. Changes to Policy GDO Evaluation of Support Staff (Mr. Laurence)
This policy establishes the basic structure for evaluation of support staff to ensure accountability.
5. Non-Renewal of Identified Annual Contract Certified Personnel for 2019-2020 School Year (Mrs. Hart)
Personnel are employed for a one year period by the Board of Education. According to state law, certified personnel must be informed by May 1st of their employment status for the ensuing year or be automatically deemed “re-employed.” Persons presently serving under annual contracts, but who are not being recommended for re-employment, have limited due process rights under South Carolina law.
6. This item was pulled from the agenda.
7. Non-Renewal of Identified Induction Contract Certified Personnel for 2019-2020 School Year (Mrs. Hart)
For certified personnel under Induction Contracts, non-renewal of employment notifications require a certain type of motion. All personnel are employed for a one year period by the Board of Education, and such personnel must be informed by May 1st of their employment status for the ensuing year or be deemed automatically “re-employed.”
8. Re-employment of Certified Personnel, Subject to Certain Conditions, for the 2019-2020 School Year (Mrs. Hart)
Personnel are employed for a one year period by the Board of Education. According to state law, certified personnel must be informed by May 1st of their employment status for the ensuing year or they will be deemed “re-employed.” Many certified employees who are otherwise recommended for employment for the next school year must nevertheless meet certain qualifying conditions or stipulations. These may be in order to qualify for the continuation of employment, or they may be conditions affecting their status for the following year. (Appearance of names of employees on this list should not give rise necessarily to a perception of a problem or concern, as many of the required stipulations are very routine in nature, as already mentioned.)
9. Re-employment of Certified Personnel for the 2019-2020 School Year (Mrs. Hart)
Personnel are employed for a one-year period by the Board of Education. According to State law, certified personnel must be informed by May 1st of their employment status for the ensuing year, or they will automatically be deemed “re-employed”. Pursuant to procedures previously approved by the Board, certified persons not otherwise subject to special conditions or requirements and whose contract entitlements are not affected by reassignment, are recommended as a group for re-employment for the following year (with the exception of employees who have given notice of their retirement or who have indicated an intention to resign prior to the start of the next school year).
10. This item was pulled from the agenda.
11. District Strategic Plan (Mr. Laurence)
Each school district must develop a five-year district strategic plan, and each
school must develop a five-year school renewal plan as required by the Early Childhood
Development and Academic Assistance Act of 1993 and the Education Accountability act
of 1998. District and school plans shall coordinate and align improvement initiatives [State
Board Regulation 43-261]. As part of a continuous improvement process, each district is
required to submit an update to its strategic plan every spring.
12. 2019-2020 Budget – First Reading (Mr. Traxler)
In its 2019-202 budget calendar, the Board scheduled presentations of the first
reading of the budget for April 23, 2019, and the second and final reading for May 28, 2019.
- Superintendent’s Update
No Items This Meeting
- Administrative Appointment
- Certified Personnel Issues
- Policy Considerations
a. Out-of-District Transfer Appeal
b. Student Appeal (Area 2)
c. Student Appeal (Area 2)
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