Aiken County Board of Education Meeting on August 11, 2020 at the District Office at 6:00 p.m.
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Submitted by Kim_Chriswell on Wed, 08/05/2020 - 4:00pm
Tuesday, August 11, 2020 - 6:00pm
OFFICIAL AGENDA _________REGULAR SESSION _6:00 P.M._________AUGUST 11, 2020
Location: 1000 Brookhaven Drive Aiken, SC
Tuesday’s meeting will be live streamed on our website,
Special Called Meeting – July 21, 2020
Regular Meeting – July 28, 2020
Special Called Meeting – July 29, 2020
Public Participation
- No Requests This Meeting
Office of the Board Chairman
- SCSBA School Law Conference
A.INFORMATION ITEMS: The following items are for information only and do not require Board Action.
- COVID-19 Related Leave (Mrs. Hart)
- Construction Status Reports for the Belvedere Elementary School Addition & Renovation Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
In an effort to keep the Board Current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
- Construction Status Reports for the Midland Valley High Addition Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
- Construction Status Reports for the Millbrook Elementary Additions & Renovations Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, Goodwyn Mills and Cawood (GMC), and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
- Construction Status Reports for the North Augusta High School Phase III Addition Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
- Construction Status Reports for the Ridge Spring-Monetta Elementary Phase 3 Addition Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
In an effort to keep the Board current on the status and budget of this school construction project, the Architects for this project, LS3P Associates LTD., and the Administration prepare a monthly status report for the Board’s review.
- Report of Minority Purchases for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2020 (Mr. Traxler)
The District Procurement Code XVI-B-4 requires an annual reporting of purchases made from minority vendors.
- Report of Sole Source & Emergency Purchases for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2020 (Mr. Traxler)
The District Procurement Code section IX-C-1 requires annual reporting of the purchases made under the sole source and emergency provisions of the Code.
B.CONSENT ITEMS: The following items will be voted on as a group, individual items may be discussed prior to a vote being taken.
- Change Order #1 for the Aiken High Phase 3 James Taylor Gymnasium Renovation Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
Shared Savings Credit for this Phase 3 Additions project is ….<$206,482.88>
- Change Order Number 1 for the Midland Valley High School Addition Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
Change Order #1 for the Midland Valley High School Addition Project for Aiken County Public Schools is submitted for your review and approval:
- Landscape and irrigation is ………… …..……$310,514.00
- Install sound system in main existing gym is...$67,636.00
These items were not included in the original plans and specifications and therefore are cost additive items.
Total Change Order Number One amount is………………..$378,150.00
- Change Order Number 1 for the North Augusta High School Phase 3 Addition Project (Dr. Murphy & Mr. Traxler)
Change Order #1 for the North Augusta High School Phase 3 Addition Project for Aiken County Public Schools is submitted for your review and approval
- Landscape and irrigation for Phase 3 is ……………………..$151,136.00
- Modular block retaining walls are needed in student parking are due to higher grade change and length at entrance is………………………$35,154.00
- Demolition of rock during installation of storm water lines
and sewer line is………………………………………………...$21,287.000
These items were not included in the original plans and specifications and therefore are cost additive items.
Total Change Order Number One amount is ………………………$207,577.00
- Submission of the Head Start and Early Head Start Grant for Aiken and Barnwell Counties – FY21 (Mrs. Glover)
The Head Start (HA) and Early Head Start (EHS) competitive grant opportunity is a federally-funded grant provided through the Office of Head Start (OHS) and administered by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and operating division (OPDIV) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).The grant’s purpose is to provide early, continuous, intensive, and comprehensive child development and family support services to enhance the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of participating children; support parents’ efforts to fulfill their parental roles; and help parents move forward self-sufficiency.
The Aiken/Barnwell Head Start and Early Head Start programs will provide comprehensive child development services to predominantly economically disadvantaged children and their families serving communities that are unserved and/or under-served.The programs’ primary purpose is to prepare children to be ready for school.
The Head Start and Early Head Start grant submission was approved for eight locations at the October 22, 2019 board meeting.The Office of Head Start (OHS) requires an updated grant proposal to the total amount of $3,587,850.00.The amount of funding for the Head Start program is $2,702,983.00.The amount of funding for the Early Head Start program is $884,867.00.The grant includes services for 382 students.
- Personnel Appointments (Mrs. Hart)
The certified and classified personnel presented have been screened by the Human Resources Department and interviewed, and/or approved by the Principal or supervisor for each location.
- Out-of-District Transfer Requests (Dr. Minolfo)
Board Policy JFABC allows the Aiken County Board of Education to arrange with other school districts for the interchange of students.The policy stipulates that when students transfer out of the District, “the School District of Aiken County shall assume no responsibility for tuition to the receiving district.”
- Changes to the following policies, Second Reading (Dr. Minolfo)
Policy DJGA Sales calls and Demonstrations
Policy GBEBC Gifts To and Solicitations by Staff
Policy GBGC Professional Personnel Substance Abuse and Employee Assistance
Policy GCD Professional Staff Vacations and Holidays
Policy GDD Support Staff Vacations and Holidays
Policy ILB Test/Assessment Administration and Security
Policy JFABC Admission of Transfer Students
Policy JJE Student Fund-Raising Activities
The titles of personnel within the organizational chart have changed.Updates to policies that specifically referenced “chief officer of administration” have been revised.
- New Policy GBAAA Title IX Sexual Harassment, Second Reading
Revisions to Policy GBAA Sexual Discrimination and Harassment and Administrative Rule GBAA-R Sexual Discrimination and Harassment, Second Reading (Dr. Minolfo)
On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced a notice of proposed rule making for new amendments for the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX).The new Title IX include specific definitions districts need to know, specifically requires appointment of a Title IX Coordinator, and requires new and specific notices including the dissemination of policy information and publication of contract information for the Title IX coordinator, Districts are required to create a compliant grievance process, including a determination for a standard of review and a range or list of possible disciplinary actions and remedies.
- New Policy JIA Title IX Sexual Harassment, Second Reading
Revisions to Policy JI Student Rights and Responsibilities (Complaints and Grievances) and Administrative Rule to Policy Ji Students Rights and Responsibilities (Complaints and Grievances), Second Reading (Dr. Minolfo)
On May 6, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced a notice of proposed rule making for new amendments for the regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX).The new Title IX include specific definitions districts need to know, specifically requires appointment of a Title IX Coordinator, and requires new and specific notices including the dissemination of policy information and publication of contract information for the Title IX coordinator, Districts are required to create a compliant grievance process, including a determination for a standard of review and a range or list of possible disciplinary actions and remedies.
- Changes to the Administrative Rule JLCC-R Communicable/Infectious Disease (Dr. Minolfo)
Administrative Rule JLCC-R Communicable/Infectious Disease establishes the basic structure for dealing with students who have communicable or infectious diseases.This administrative rule seeks to maintain a balance between the need to educate all eligible students and to control communicable diseases.
- Addition of Temporary Policy ADD Face Covering, First Reading (Dr. Minolfo)
In alignment with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations, the State Department of Education released the South Department of Education Face Covering Guidelines for K12 Public Schools intended to reduce the spread of the pandemic (COVID-19), recommending that a face covering be worn in public settings when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.The district will consider the circumstances in the community and consult local health officials for the administration of this policy.
- Calendar Revision to Designate Three Weather Make-up Days (Mr. Laurence)
Section 59-1-425 (B) of the 1976 Code, as amended by Act 260 of 2006, reads:“(B) Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, all school days missed because of snow, extreme weather conditions, or other disruptions requiring schools to close must be made up. All school districts shall designate annually at least three days within their school calendars to be used as make-up days in the event of these occurrences. If those designated days have been used or are no longer available, the local school board of trustees may lengthen the hours of school operation by no less than one hour per day for the total number of hours missed, operate schools on Saturday, or may waive up to three days.” The SC Department of Education clarifies that the first three missed days must be made up.Days four through six may be waived by majority vote of the local school board or may be made up extending the school day on Saturdays.Days seven through nine may be waived by the State Board of Education.
- Suspension of portions of Policies GCD and GDD Staff Vacations and Holidays (Mr. Laurence)
Policies GCD and GDD list holidays for 12-month employees including Labor Day and the day before Thanksgiving.Due to calendar adjustments for the delayed school start, these two days are now regular school days.Policy BGF provides for the temporary suspension of a policy.
(Action may be taken on these items as necessary)
- Introduction of New Chief Officer of Operations and Student Services
- No Items This Meeting
- Administrative Appointment (a.)
- Administrative Appointment (b.)
- No Items This Meeting
- Update on Policies: BBA, BBAA, BC, BCA, BDD, BEDF, BHC, BEDI, GCFB
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